Saturday, July 21, 2012

U.S. Wants Brazil's Captured Alien

U.S. to file formal extradition request for return of Brazil's captured alien

By Marly Watson
Go Home ET!

The United States Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency have both started formal proceedings to request extradition from the Brazilian government for the return of the captured alien seen in the popular YouTube video.  The alien, nicknamed  "Benny", had recently escaped from the Area 51 Watertown Detention Facility (WDF), where he had been incarcerated since 1948.  A portion of this escape had been recorded by WDF ground security cameras.  Here Benny can be seen disabling these cameras.

Benny's Escape

Both the CIA and the US Air Force are highly interested in Benny's return.  Throughout his lengthy incarceration at the Watertown facility, he has witnessed and been privy to many programs that should not be revealed to the general public.  In the words of one CIA official who desired to remain anonyomus "Benny knows too much".  

Benny's ship had been kept in storage at the WDF since its crash in 1947. The USAF had only partially repaired the craft back to service due to not fully understanding the advanced technologies in its design.  Benny succeeded in reaching the ionosphere before his machine malfunctioned and crash-landed back to earth in the Amazon, near the Brazilian town of Manaus.  He was quickly captured by the Forças Armadas Brasileiras.  His filmed interrogation was leaked to YouTube which sparked the resulting controversy.

Benny's Interrogation

The Brazilians have implemented extraordinary security procedures for his safety due to high-visibility interest in Benny from multiple sources,.  But because of limited funding, they are unsure of how long these procedures can be kept in place.  Meanwhile, a small conglomerate of concerned world citizens, the "Freedom Again for Benny" (FAB) group have vowed to seek his release though both legal and "other" means.

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